This feature is optional and disabled by default. Spell-checking web service: any text typed is transmitted to Google.This feature is optional, but enabled by default. Page-not-found web service: upon receiving a server not found response, the query typed into the address bar is sent to Google.OmniBox predictions: any text typed into the address bar is sent to Google.ClientID: a unique identifier coupled with user preferences, logs of usages metrics, and crashes.This feature is non-optional, but Google does provide the necessary source code to decode the string. The collected information is used to measure the success of promotional campaigns. It is transmitted to Google upon the first launch, first use of the address bar, and first Google search query. RLZ identifier: an encoded string that, according to Google, contains non-identifying bits of information about where Chrome was downloaded from and when it was installed.This is used to measure the success rate of Chrome installations. Installation: upon installation, Google Chrome sends a randomly generated token from the installer back to Google.

Google Chrome's user tracking capabilities include, but are not necessarily limited to the following:

Instability and vulnerabilities are to be expected. Stable is targeted at most home and office users.Due to the latter, it is commonly accused of being a botnet by the more security-conscious participants on /g/, for good reason. In addition to Chromium's usual set of features, it packages Google's 'Pepper' Flash plug-in, a Foxit-based in-line PDF reader, an automatic updater, and several controversial tracking capabilities. Google Chrome is a proprietary sister project of Chromium developed by Google.